Watch Out World, This is the Most Important Page!
Well, at least that was what I was told. This is where I talk about my self in third person so you guys can get to know me better, but it's so awkward. Well, let's see, where should I start? How about one of my biggest vulnerability. I have a fear of publicizing myself in any manner because I would prefer to not be judged and put in a box by someone's standard. That is why, in my moment of great confidence, I decided to revamp this and just put a part of me out there for the world to read. Being that I am not obviously comfortable with showing myself in video form, I have opted for the long winded, mindless reading route. I enjoy long walks along a riverbank on a nice day because the river breeze hits you just right and the view of the greenery in the area is so breathtaking. I am scared of dying from shaving my legs with a rusty razor blade due to watching about it on "1000 Ways To Die." It's weird how those things stick with you. I have aspirations of being a good influence on at least 10 people. I figured if I can get 10 people to be the best people they can be, then they can influence another ten and if I am mathing this correctly, it will lead to exponential growth and one day everyone will be the best of themselves they can be and will be happy and the world will be at peace. I ramble a lot, and I do notice that I have a tendency to brain faster than I can type so a lot of my writing doesn't make any sense. Oh! I have a very Virgo side of me where if I get caught up with perfecting something, it could go on for daaayyyss. So I try to break away from that. With that being said, I hope this is enough to pique your interest or run away mentally screaming, at the very least, some action will happen.
With Love,
Elizabeth S.